Analytical Columns

We are exclusive agents for the complete range of YMC columns in Jordan, Qatar, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Iraq, and Lebanon. Analytical Columns, Preparative columns and LC Accessories.
Each YMC-Pack column is chromatographically tested to assure that plate count, peak symmetry and general column performance meet YMC’s high standard of quality. A column performance report is supplied with every packed column.
Each lot of YMC-Gel stationary phase is tested with a series of specific standard probes. These tests assure lot reproducibility and confirm applicability for the class of compounds for which the product is intended.
Each YMC-Pack column is chromatographically tested to assure that plate count, peak symmetry and general column performance meet YMC’s high standard of quality. A column performance report is supplied with every packed column.
Each lot of YMC-Gel stationary phase is tested with a series of specific standard probes. These tests assure lot reproducibility and confirm applicability for the class of compounds for which the product is intended.

While different column hardware manufacturers have introduced a variety of connecting port geometries throughout the years, the Sure-Fit™-Connector represents an ideal tool to avoid dead volumes, irrespective of the column brand, when connecting different columns to a given HPLC system.
YMC highly recommends the use of the Sure-Fit™-Connector due to its internal spring tensioned mechanism that automatically self-adjusts to any port depth while maintaining constant pressure on the capillary tubing to guarantee a connecting free from any dead volume. Thus, column changeovers are easy, especially because there are no tools required. The Sure-Fit™-Connector is fingertight to 6000 psi and is available in a range of capillary tubing i.d.’s and lengths.
Analytical guard cartridge systems
YMC offers two different analytical guard cartridge holder concepts. A universal finger tight system (XPGCH-Q1 for 10 mm guard and XPGCH-Q2 for 20 mm guard and all internal diameters for 1.0 to 4.6mm id columns). This system guarantees a low dead volume connection between the guard cartridge and the main column irrespective of the type of column fitting used. To connect the guard cartridge holder to the column to give leak-proof connection up to 6000 psi follow the description below.
1.) Unscrew the counter nut .
2.) Insert the capillary into the column port and screw the knurled head screw finger tight .
3.) Finally screw the counter nut finger tight .
4.) To insert the guard cartridge open the cartridge holder, insert the cartridge and close again finger tight without any tool. A small gap (4) between the two holder parts will remain and demonstrates a perfect fit.
In addition YMC offers a specific integral guard cartridge holder (XPGCS-Q1 for 10 mm and XPGCS-Q2 for 20 mm length cartridges with 1.0; 2.1; 3.0 or 4.0 mm inner diameters). This holder is screwed directly on the YMC cartridge column system in place of the removable end fitting. The guard cartridges are inserted in the holder cavities without any tools. These integral guard cartridge holders will not attach to 4.6 mm i.d. -WT style columns.
While different column hardware manufacturers have introduced a variety of connecting port geometries throughout the years, the Sure-Fit™-Connector represents an ideal tool to avoid dead volumes, irrespective of the column brand, when connecting different columns to a given HPLC system.
YMC highly recommends the use of the Sure-Fit™-Connector due to its internal spring tensioned mechanism that automatically self-adjusts to any port depth while maintaining constant pressure on the capillary tubing to guarantee a connecting free from any dead volume. Thus, column changeovers are easy, especially because there are no tools required. The Sure-Fit™-Connector is fingertight to 6000 psi and is available in a range of capillary tubing i.d.’s and lengths.
Analytical guard cartridge systems
YMC offers two different analytical guard cartridge holder concepts. A universal finger tight system (XPGCH-Q1 for 10 mm guard and XPGCH-Q2 for 20 mm guard and all internal diameters for 1.0 to 4.6mm id columns). This system guarantees a low dead volume connection between the guard cartridge and the main column irrespective of the type of column fitting used. To connect the guard cartridge holder to the column to give leak-proof connection up to 6000 psi follow the description below.
1.) Unscrew the counter nut .
2.) Insert the capillary into the column port and screw the knurled head screw finger tight .
3.) Finally screw the counter nut finger tight .
4.) To insert the guard cartridge open the cartridge holder, insert the cartridge and close again finger tight without any tool. A small gap (4) between the two holder parts will remain and demonstrates a perfect fit.
In addition YMC offers a specific integral guard cartridge holder (XPGCS-Q1 for 10 mm and XPGCS-Q2 for 20 mm length cartridges with 1.0; 2.1; 3.0 or 4.0 mm inner diameters). This holder is screwed directly on the YMC cartridge column system in place of the removable end fitting. The guard cartridges are inserted in the holder cavities without any tools. These integral guard cartridge holders will not attach to 4.6 mm i.d. -WT style columns.
Preparative LC - Preparative Columns & Media

YMC products must pass our internal performance criteria as raw materials, as synthesised silica particles, as bonded materials, and finally when they are packed into a column. By testing the raw materials and synthesising the silica gel, we can achieve low metal levels of purity. Our acceptance standards virtually eliminate problems with non-specific adsorption caused by trace contaminants in the silica gel.
The premium quality silica is then bonded to provide the selectivity for which the product is designed. YMC’s expertise in HPLC surface chemistry has produced several different proprietary stationary phases. Random samples from the bonded lot are tested for elemental content and then packed into columns and evaluated chromatographically with test samples.
At this point, another accept/reject decision is made before the lot is accepted for column packing. For acceptable materials, a bonding lot number is assigned and all test data on the underlying silica and the bonded product are retained for future reference.
The premium quality silica is then bonded to provide the selectivity for which the product is designed. YMC’s expertise in HPLC surface chemistry has produced several different proprietary stationary phases. Random samples from the bonded lot are tested for elemental content and then packed into columns and evaluated chromatographically with test samples.
At this point, another accept/reject decision is made before the lot is accepted for column packing. For acceptable materials, a bonding lot number is assigned and all test data on the underlying silica and the bonded product are retained for future reference.